May 6, 2010

Random facts you may or may not know about me!

I have decided that I do certain things that see perfectly normal to me, but seem to be strange and usual to others. So here are just a few random fact that you may or may not know about me.

I like to eat sandwiches. I most often have a sandwich at lunch. On any given day my sandwiches consists of anywhere between seven and ten ingredients. Recently one of Megan's friends came to our house and I made her a sandwich. She acted like she had never seen a sandwich before. You would have thought she was eating at a five star restaurant by her reaction to my sandwich.

Another unique thing about the sandwiches I eat is that 95% of the time, the top layer is lettuce not bread. This seems to be of great fascination to the students who come into class and see me finishing up my lunch. You may ask "why do you do that"...the answer is... because too much bread takes away the taste of the rest of the sandwich for me. It also leaves me feeling less guilty when I have my daily intake of two pieces of Symphony.

Now, I would guess that most of you know without a doubt that I love lemon in my water. When I go to school, I always take a plastic cup (because plastic tastes better than paper but when I am at home I think glass is the best) and I fill it with ice and two slices of lemon and water. For whatever reason, this practise causes great fascination among the students. It is very usual if I go a day without someone making a comment about my lemon ice water.

I love this time of year. I am so happy it getting close to planting flowers. I feel so happy when I am on a walk/run outside and I can hear the birds sing and I can smell the flowers as I go past. My soul feels renewed as I enjoy this beautiful world we live in.

One random fact is that I love to dig in the dirt. This has not always been the case with me. This has become an acquired passion. I have three neighbor girls that come over on a regular basis to help me in the yard. We talk to the plants and make sure they are well taken care of. We enjoy giving them "Georgia juice" (a fertilizer) and miracle grow too. I always end up getting really dirty and my neighbor girls don't. The girls don't like vegetables but they like helping me plant my garden. When I am by myself working in the yard, I often preach a sermon to myself. For instance when I am pulling weeds I may think about repentance.

I suppose we all do things that may be unusual to others but that helps make all of us unique. I like learning new things about different people. I have adapted many new things to my life because of it. Would you like to share something random you do?


Melissa said...

Something random I do is I always try to pick up a room before I leave it. The reason I think this is unique is that I sometimes decide at inopportune times to leave a room. The worst is putting Hannah to bed. I will nurse her and survey the room. If I am worried that she will wake up while I clean then I will clean and nurse...put her books away...fold the clothes from her bottom two drawers (she pulls them out)clip her hair bows to her hair bow ribbons etc all while she is trying to nurse. If someone is over at my house (home teachers etc) if they are talking to me and Adam sometimes I find something that bothers me in the kitchen or living room and immediately excuse myself to fix it...I blame all this on you by the way :) I think Hannah was born into this world knowing this because she often sits patiently while I quickly pick up the messes she trails behind. I drive Adam crazy (who is a very clean person) because I don't let ANYTHING touch the floor for I think I need therapy lol

Margie said...

Lets go to therapy together. I will pack the sandwiches and bring the drinks (wink) and we can go to the park for therapy!

Bea said...

I too talk to my flowers and stroke them, tell them how beautiful they are or will be. :o) I too think about repentance as I weed. Another thing I do (shocking) when I see a man/boy with an untidy tie I itch to straighten it, if I know the man/boy I always say, "here, let me make you presentable or decent," in my best Belfast brogue.
Hadn't thought about it being random, but then we live and learn:o)

Lesley said...

Okay... this is really random and I worry about sharing it. I gave my car a name; Silver Bullet. This is usually how I refer to my car, by name, not by "the car". Even my older grandchildren refer to my car as Silver Bullet. Whenever I make it up a snowy hill or make it to the gas station just in time, I always pat Silver Bullet on the dashboard and say "good job!" Probably not the same thing as talking to living plants, but Silver Bullet has never failed me!!! LOL

Archie said...

Very cool facts Marge. Thanks for sharing.

Les you should know that Ammanda names her car as well.

BobN said...
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Georgia said...

I think all those lemons you squeeze in your water would have eventually taken away some of your sweetness, but it hasn't at all, in fact you just get sweeter all the time! Love you and all those random things too!