April 6, 2010


At tithing settlement in December, our bishop, challenged each member of the ward to finish the Book of Mormon by April 10, 2010. As a family, we were already about half way through the Book of Mormon because we started reading out loud together on the first day of school and we figured out that we needed to read three pages every school day in order to finish by the time Megan graduated. However, we decided to take on the 100 day challenge in addition to our family reading. Tim, Meg & I decided to map out our individual plan to complete Bishop Woodfield's challenge. It wasn't too hard to decide what to do since the bishop had already given us a suggested schedule to follow according to how many chapters a day etc... Tim decided he was going to read the BOM in Portuguese. Megan decided she wanted to read just before she went to bed. I just knew I needed to keep on track so I didn't get behind. So, On January 1st, 2010, I started.

I would like to share a few experiences and things I have learned and re-learned this time while reading the Book of Mormon in 100 days. (I did finish a little early :)

My first experience happened while still in 1st Nephi. I exercise at 5:30 a.m. with five - seven other friends and many days the sister missionaries join us. Even though not all of the women I exercise with are in my ward, some of them had decided to take on the challenge. At exercise one morning, one of my friends (remember we exercise at 5:30 a.m...so often times we can be grumpy due to lack of sleep) commented on how she could really relate to Lamen and Lemuel. She said that she too would have been very annoyed if her YOUNGER brother was acting like he knew it all. The day she said that, just happened to be a day that the full time sisters had come to exercise with us, at the church too. They listened to her complaint along with the rest of us. A few days later, Sister Jordan and Sister Sutter came to exercise, and the first thing Sister Jordan said (in the very kindest voice) was "Sister Rawls (name changed) how is your attitude today?! I have been praying for you."

I have learned there is a lesson in this example. Much of what we learn is based upon where our attitude is. Are we prideful or are we humble and teachable? I have learned that when I am prideful, I don't learn very much if anything. Also when we rely upon our own strength and not the help of the Lord, we can only do so much. It is much better if we turn to the Lord for strength, for He can do all things for our good.
Another reoccurring theme and word that jumped out to me continuously throughout the entire Book of Mormon was the word contention. I don't think anyone would argue that we live in a very contentious world. One would be hard pressed to turn on the news, read the newspaper, and listen to talk radio or bring up MSN on the internet and not find a story that had some element contention. I have had to do a lot of introspection while reading. By nature, (we are taught a natural man/woman is an enemy to God) I can tend to be a feisty person. There is a difference in disagreeing and being disagreeable. As I have gotten older I have tried to remember that not every opinion needs to be shared...especially if it can hurt or injure another or even cause a wedge between a relationship. Last week, someone I know, was in a parking lot. Someone cut him off in the parking lot so he decided he needed to teach this person a lesson. He blocked the woman's car so he could show her he was mad. Then he got out of the car and kicked the side of her door while she was still sitting in the car and he was walking past. So as he proceeded to walk into the restaurant, she decided that she would drive forward going 5 mph and hit him with her car. At that point, a bystander had called the police and the police came. Then the police had to "break up" the yelling match and talk to both parties individually to get both sides of the story. What a mess!! This was all over a thoughtless act and the wasting of ten seconds. The Book of Mormon has been written for our time. Hearts have waxed cold and none of us have to go far to witness this. Pride and contention are two ugly twins that feed on each other. As in Moroni 9 we read; "they have lost their love one toward another."
Now, contrast that story with this example of charity, patience and long suffering. My sister Suzie and her husband Steve just took a dream vacation to the Virgin British Isles. They were gone for twelve days and had asked a relative and her husband along with their small children to live in their home and take care of five of their six children. The mom of the small children told Suzie that she would do all the meal planning and that she expected that Suzie's children NOT have any snacks after school. Even though Suzie thought this was an unrealistic rule to place in her own home, rather then put up a fuzz, Suzie figured since it was still her house and her children, rather than put of a fuss of this rule that belonged to this other mom she would hide some easy snacks (that don't make a mess) in a secret spot so that her children could still have access to food in their own home without making an additional mess for the other mom and causing the other mom's children to feel bad. One day, one of Suzie's children was not sneaky enough and this secret food stash was discovered by the mom that was caring for Suzie's children. This mom decided that she would take all of the food out of the stash and replace the food with dog food and left a note (that I don't think was too nice) inside with the dog food. Okay, I don't know about you, but I would have been bugged!! But not Suzie!! She took the higher road. She was generous to take into account that this mom had not yet had older children who are busy growing and get super hungry after eating school lunch at 10:50 a.m. and have a hard time waiting until 6:00 p.m. to eat anything. She did not feel angry or mad towards this person. Can you imagine what could have happened to relationships in this family if charity hadn't been applied? In Moroni 7:42 we read and charity suffereth long, and is KIND, and is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniqutiy but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. What a difference Suzie's actions made not only with her relative, but also the example she set for her children (and me).
Another reoccurring theme that seemed to jump out at me continually was the patience and love that Heavenly Father has for each of his children. Over and over again through out the BOM story after story demonstrates Heavenly Father's patience for His children.

I have often called 3 Nephi the dessert of the BOM. It is wonderful to read of the miracles and words of our Savior Jesus Christ as he appears after he was crucified. The words of comfort and hope and love rang powerfully to me.

I have really enjoyed reading the Book of Mormon. The Lord has been merciful to His children. He stands with his arms stretched out to each of us. The invitation is ours to come unto him.
As the words state in one of my favorite hymns "Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand, upheld my my righteous omnipotent hand.
I would like to bare my witness that the Book of Mormon is a divine witness of the Lord Jesus Christ in whom it testifies. I would also like to share one of my favorite scriptures with you. It is found in Heleman 5:12. And now, my sons (and daughters) remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when (not if) the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall!
I love you all!

Note: You don't have to be a blood relative to Grandpa Ditty to pound the pulpit!! And I admit, I am definitely a work in progress and I have a long way to go :)! Thanks for being patient with me and forgiving me along the way too!


Lilian said...

So interesting Margie. You wanna know why? Because I was sitting here reading a blog taht I had linked to from another blog. It was all about a young man who in the middle of serving his LDS mission decided that he wanted to be "Christian" and how he totally went against the LDS beliefs. Basically, what he was saying in his blog was that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and now didn't have to be part of an "organized" religion. Which to me means he doesn't have to do anything except say he loves Jesus because as far as I'm concerned, he let Satan get to him. Anyway, I was reading his thoughts when your email popped up saying that you'd updated this blog. And then there it was! That final scripture! Ah.... PERFECT! Christ is our foundation but we still need to BUILD upon Him!!! We can't just say, "Oh yeah, I accept him, I'm good."

Great post Margie! THANK YOU for "saving me" from the blog I was reading! (and will never read again!)

Archie said...

Truly inspiring post Margie. Thanks so much for sharing.

Love you.


Lesley said...

Great post Margie!