It has been an incredible journey and one that I knew I needed to journal the details of this experience! The last few weeks I have been super emotional and I have felt an increase of the spirit in a way that I don't have the words to describe. It has been quite the process getting to this point, but everyone involved has felt the hand of our Heavenly Father every step of the way.
The choir consists of 6 Stakes from Pleasant View and North Ogden. Each stake will be represented with children ranging from 9 - 11 years old. The process of choosing the children who will participate was done on the ward level and each ward handled things under the direction of the Bishop and Primary President. Each ward was given the number of children who would be able to participate after prorating each ward and the number of children in their ward that were 9, 10 and 11 years old. The children were then called in with their parents and asked if they would be willing to accept the dedicated schedule along with the calling to participate in a General Conference Primary Choir. The bishops explained that they would need to attend several practices that involved many hours of practice and preparation. If they missed one practice, they would not be able to sing on the day of the performance. This direction was given by the church music committee and we were also told that we should not have any alternates because other Stakes had done that in the past and the alternates were not able to sing after going to all of the practices. To my knowledge we will have a full house next Saturday with all the choir seat full! The children/parents have also been responsible for following the outline given them by way of dress. The dress and grooming has been set out by the General Music Committee coordinators. Julie Henley who is the first counselor in the PV South Stake has done a fabulous job checking every single child and working to help the parents track down shirts etc...A dress coordinator has been called from each Stake to help each of the children in their stake with their wardrobe.
The girls are wearing collard jewel colored tops with black skirts and tan colored nylons, and the boys will be wearing long sleeved white shirts and missionary appropriate ties and dark slacks. The shirts that the girls are wearing must have buttons that match the color of their shirt. This has been tricky for many of the girls because most of the shirts come with white buttons. Mothers have either used fingernail polish or sharpies or they have put on new buttons to match the shirts. All of the children have gone through three different wardrobe checks to make sure that they look sharp. I have come learned that some cultures find certain clothing and even the layering of clothing offensive, and we are a world wide church and not in the business to offend! The boys have to wear their hair in a conservative manner with no spiking etc... The girls have to have their hair pulled out of their faces and their hair style should not fall over their shoulders. One pair of small non-shiny earrings and one small wrist watch is permitted. Both boys and girls must have black Sunday shoes on. Since we are the host stake, the High Counselor member Brother Denise Holiday who is assigned to the Primary, has been assigned to help us with many of the details. He has had facial hair for the past 30 years. His wife and children haven't seen a clean shaved face in all of those years. He decided he would shave his face so that he would set the example for the children and look like a missionary. We have 30 children in the choir with medical needs. All 30 children have been properly placed in isle seats and medical personal will be on hand if there are any problems. If a child has to leave for any reason during the performance, they are not allowed to come back to finish. All food allergies have been recorded because the church will be providing a snack for each child as well as buses to transport the children next Saturday. They will be leaving Pleasant View at 9:45 a.m.
Since I knew I would have to be gone for some of the practices because I would be with Melissa and family while she had Paige, our Stake Music Specialist, Karin Larsen, has been the one that has really followed through every step of the way. She has been incredible and has received inspiration that is beyond the ability of one person. I have been in awe of her inspiration and the direction she has received as well as the many many hours she has dedicated to this opportunity.
As a stake we have been privileged to work with Sister Diane Bastian of the General Music Committee along with Sister Crocket who oversees General Conference music and Sister Walkin's who will be leading the children. Sister Crocket's son is the lead singer for VoiceMale who is currently in competition in the NBC TV show "Sing-off." She has been traveling back and forth to California while the planning has been going on for General Conference. Sister Walkin's voice sounds like butter as she speaks to the children. She has a gift and has been able to teach and talk to these children in an incredible way to help them prepare for this experience.
"Margie and Tim (aka chopped liver) I herd you like peches" It was adorable.
As we entered the conference center, the children's eyes were as wide as the smiles on their faces. All of the children were placed in their appropriate seats with a few adjustments that had to be made. Sister Walkin's began by doing some stretching exercises for the children. She magically had all of their attention as she directed them in every way. She introduced to the children and parents to Brother Robinson who is the director of music and cultural arts for the church. He spoke to the children and told them that over 7 million people will be watching them. He explained that of that 7 million, half of those do not speak English. That it was up to the children to be able to bear their testimonies to all of the people of the world through their smiles. and the light in their eyes. The children proceeded to practice all of their songs. The General Primary Presidency was in attendance listening and watching the children. At 10:00 a.m. each member of the General Primary Presidency briefly spoke to the children. Sister Wixom told the children that while the were singing she had her hand over her chest because she was afraid it was going to jump right out of her body if she didn't hold it in. They showed the children where they would be singing and that they would be cheering for them even though they would have to stay in their seats and act lady like. Many of these children have brothers and sisters who are serving full time missions as well as other family members throughout the world.
Sister Walkin's then told the children that she was going to practice the congregational hymn with them. In her beautiful speaking voice she said, "look at my baton, this baton is made out of the wood that has been taken from church history sites where the Prophet Joseph Smith lived". She then proceeded to lead both the children and audience members with that baton as we sang "Praise to the Man". (Watch for that baton at conference) I didn't see a dry eye in the audience. Many of the children have told me that is their favorite song. It was fantastic!! I too felt like I better grab my heart to keep it inside my chest too.
Finally on a personal note, one of the songs the children will be singing is "I hope they call me on a mission". It was so overwhelming to watch these young children sing that song. As I sat there I was remind of a story that Sean told me after he returned home from his mission. Just days before he came home, his last companion Elder Ricks, had brought a primary CD with him on his mission. Sean had not heard primary music for two years. They were driving together when Elder Rick's put in the primary CD. The song "I hope they call me on a mission" began to play. Sean said that he couldn't help himself and he burst into tears as he reflected on singing that song as a young primary boy and then realized he HAD grown a foot or two and NOW his mission was coming to a close. As those children sang that song, I knew that Olivia, my Chinese daughter that Sean baptised while in Australia would be thousands of miles away watching "my" primary children who had practice that same song in the same building that Sean sang that song professing to the Lord that he hoped he would go on a mission some day. This experience has gone full circle for me. Each week on Sean's mission Tim would close his letters with a quote that from the Prophet Joseph ..."Shall we not go on in so great of cause!!!"
I invited and hope that all of you, my close family and friends will join with me in watching general conference and cheering for these precious children. They sound like angels and I feel confident that angels will be with them as they pronounce their testimony throughout the world.
What a grand experience for the children. Did Timothy remember to tell them that he had sung at Primary Conference many years ago in the Tabernacle? I do not remember all that hassle though. We will definately be watching with keen interest.
Very exciting Margie! I'm sure you are well pleased with them all. Our stake primary was invited to do this a few years ago. My boys were not among those chosen to sing :-( Ah well. We'll be watching.
I had tears as I read this... what a great experience for your primary children.
As I read about all of the directions and instructions given to the children, it reminded me that the Lord's house is, a "house of order".
Reading this also reminded me of the wonderful experience that Caitlin had a few years ago when she was in "A Brand New Year."
I look forward to hearing the choir.
They did great!
What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing the details of this experience. Our Stake has definitely been blessed by these children and their willingness to work and sacrifice.
It was a beautiful Conference session and the music sounded as if it were produced by angels. How wonderful to read many of the steps that brought us such an outstanding performance.
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