October 10, 2008


Happy Birthday to my beautiful girl....
In many ways I have come to divide my life into two different segments. Life before having Melissa and life after having Melissa. One would think it would make more sense to have marriage being the biggest changing point of life; for me I think it
has to be the day Melissa entered into my life.

Melissa has blessed and enriched my life in so many ways. I cannot even come close trying to describe how my world was changed. Melissa was born with a giant spirit.

Melissa was born four weeks premature. She gave us a big scare when she attempted to come when I was 28 weeks pregnant. At that point, I was put on strict bed rest. On the evening of October 9th, about 10:30 p.m., we headed for the hospital. This time there was no stopping my labor. Just after 3:30 a.m. Melissa was born. Shortly after she was born it was evident that there were problems. The doctors couldn't tell if her lungs were not quite developed, or if she had aspirated and was having trouble breathing on her own. She was placed in newborn ICU and received care around the clock. The next couple of days were very scary ones for us. We were told that she had something wrong with her heart. A heart surgeon from Primary Children's hospital was on his way to do an ultrasound of her heart. Meanwhile, Grandpa Alan and Tim administered to her tiny little weak body. After the heart surgeon had examined her, he couldn't find anything seriously wrong with her heart. From the time she received that blessing Melissa started to improve. When she was only six days old she was able to come home from the hospital with us. She came home on oxygen and a heart monitor, and Tim and I were required to take a CPR class before we could leave. She remained on oxygen for the first three weeks, and the heart monitor for two months. She quickly began to thrive.
By the time Melissa was 9 months old she was walking/running. By the time she was 12 months old she could clearly say over 100 words. There was no stopping her. She was a true party animal. I remember going over to Mike and Lesley's and she would cry when we had to leave. She had so much fun with her cousins, and she loved being around others. By the time she was two, she would go up to complete strangers at the park or store and say "Hi I'm Melissa, would you like to be my friend?". She loved going places and experiencing adventures. She loved make believe and playing Disney characters and Winnie the Pooh.

For over four years, it was just the three of us. However, no one was happier than Melissa to welcome Sean into our family. She was crazy about him. They had so much fun together and she loved being a big sister. She still does. She is so dedicated and devoted to him in all ways. She watches out for him too.

Just 22 months after Sean was born, Megan came along. Melissa is a wonderful sister. She is fiercely
devoted to family. Melissa has a great capacity to love; she adores Megan.

When she was in elementary school I remember a mother telling me that Melissa was one of the only students who was kind to her autistic son. This mother shared with me what a difference Melissa had made in his life.

Melissa has a love of learning. Ever since she was young she had a hunger to read and learn. I am so proud of how hard she has been working to acomplish her goal to graduate with her Bachelors degree. It isn't easy and it is so much work; but she is doing it!! Even though she is so busy in school, each semester she has also taken the time to take an institute class. She strives for balance in her life.

Melissa has a love for beauty. She has always been more classic then trendy. She has a passion for the arts and for music. When she was in Paris and went to the Louvre, she wore a dress to show respect for the artists. She loves many types of music and has introduced me to country; I have gone from dislike (of country music) to love because of Melissa. When she was growing up I loved to watch her dance. She has taught me to love so many beautiful things.

She was gifted with a wonderful sense of humor. One thing about Melissa is what you see is what you get. She is the real deal. Sometimes to my shock and amazment she tells you how it is.

She is a wonderful, powerful, spiritual, beautiful, gifted and an amazing daughter. She is so good to me. She is so gracious and kind and thoughtful to me. She is so much like her dad it is sometimes unbelieveable. Once when she was younger and driving him crazy, I just looked at Tim with a smile on my face. He said "what are you smiling about". I asked him what it was like dealing with a female version of himself. From that day forward, Tim had a new appreciation for Melissa.

Melissa has a love for life and for others. She has a pure and good heart. She is a happy person. Full of joy, fun and passion. She has changed my world for the better. Melissa I love you immensely!!!

Happy Birthday!!!




Melissa said...

Thanks mom, I love you too! Happy Labor day lol :)

Bea said...

What an awesome day, Margie you did the almost impossible, you made your Mom and Mother-in-law happy at the same time, you gave us each our first granddaughter and all I can say is "DITTO" she is a great young lady and adds so much to our family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA!!!!!!!!!

Lesley said...

As I read about the younger Melissa and her friendliness and vocabulary of 100 words, I was reminded of when we went to the airport to pick up Alan, Marivic, and Christopher when Melissa was about two. Alan was remarking on how "grown up" she was and Melissa's response: "and potty trained too."

Happy Birthday Melissa Maloo!!!

Lilian said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! Great post Margie!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

This is a beautiful post, Margie. I already said happy birthday to her on her blog, but I'll say it again, Happy Birthday Melissa! I hope you're enjoying Les Mis in St George.