September 30, 2008

Okay confession time...

I got Marivic's tag today and thought I would quickly respond. I can't believe I am the first to get to the blog. It is a first since I am not as vigilant at blogging!! I had to really think about seven things that each of you may not know about me. I was so surprised to learn about some of the things of Marivic. I never knew about the milk allergy. I can't believe I didn't know that. What a picture too. That is a big deal!! No ice cream?? I wasn't surprised to learn about the proposals, even though I didn't know that. I'm glad that you didn't marry the B-R-A- guy or as we call it here...the big red apple guy. His behavior sounds like he was a bit of a perv (as they say in high school). Any way here is a list of things you may or may not know about me.

1. I had a crush on one of my professors at the University of Utah (before I was married). He was single and an Economics professor who was about 15 years older than I was. He was soooo HOT. It was while I was living on campus and I had a class that we had to invite one of our professors to a brunch at the place I was living at. I invited him to go with me. I was either brave or stupid, or perhaps both but it was great fun. About a year ago, I met a man who is now a professor at the U of U in the Econ department. I asked if he knew this particular professor. He said he didn't know him, but he knew of him. I told him my little story. He laughed and said that I was one of many young college co-eds that was more interested in the professor than the subject. I was told is now teaching somewhere in Texas.

2. My interest in civic and world affairs began when I was in 6th grade. I can remember that the song "Cherokee People" was a big hit on the radio. My friend Chris R and I were so incensed by the words of that song, and we felt a real sadness for the plight of the Indian nation being put on a reservation that we spent a full Saturday making posters and signs to go to the Utah State capitol building so that we could start a protest for the Indian people. The only problem was that we couldn't get a ride up there to do it. The next summer, I went with my family on a four week road trip all the way to New York. I noted that all of the States had these cool welcome signs. Utah had the worst sign of all. It was a simple black and white sign that said UTAH. I decided I needed to write to Govenor Rampton and tell him that Utah needed to change the signs. So I did. The next summer we took another trip to Wisconsin and I was so pleased to see that Utah had changed their signs. I have always secretly taken credit for the signs because of my letter. I also served for three years as the director of the Pleasant View City Youth Council. I stopped serving last year.

3. I have only owned one piece of orange clothing in my wardrobe, my entire life. It was in elementary school, and it was an orange skirt and an orange top. I have never bought anything orange since. However, I do wear salmon.

4. I really like to garden. I get a little frustrated because I don't always have the time that I would like but it is very satifying to me. On numerous occasions, I have had complete strangers stop and tell me they like my yard. For whatever reason I tend to preach a sermon to myself everytime I am planting or even weeding. I have two neighbor girls, Taylor who is ten and McKensie who is eight who spend most of their Saturdays in the Spring helping me plant flowers and plant my garden. They beg their parents to come work with me. Their parents have a hard time getting them to work in their yard, but they will spend hours and hours helping me. McKensie was baptized in August and we were invited to her baptism and a dinner afterward. Just before dinner, her mom said "let me make introductions". Tim and I were so surprised that we were the only ones there that weren't family. All her G & G's and aunts and uncles and cousins were there along with Tim and I. Last Saturday I was out working in the yard. McKensie came out to help just as I was going in. I told her I would need help in two Saturdays. She asked me twice to make sure to tell her mom so she wouldn't miss out on helping me in the yard. We are little buddies.

5. I have a wide variety of friends. My good friends range in age from seven to seventy-six. I'm not kidding. I also have several people who I consider my friends who are very different than I am. My kids laugh at me because some of the drug addicts at Weber High enjoy to come and hang out with me. I have the most random conversations where people come up and tell me the most personal things. The other day I was at the grocery store and even the clerk gave me an ear full. I have been told by my children that I should be a psychiatrist.

6. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease about three years ago. It sounds worse than it is. Basically my thyroid doesn't work anymore. I will be on meds for life. I go to the doctor about every 3 to 4 months for an ultrasound on my thyroid and blood work, so they can keep their eye on me.

7. I ignore beach house rules :)!! Tim wanted me to put that one in.


Lesley said...

Wow Margie such new information I've never known and I've known you for 31 years! I can believe that you can so many friends of such diversity in age and situation in life. You always show a sincere interest in everybody. The Professor are very daring to ask him to brunch. I've been meaning to talk to you about your thyroid situation, my friend Terri is having her thyroid killed on Melissa's b-day. I told her about you and that I would find out some info for her (I started to work on my 7 facts tonight and I wrote about my health issue too). The beach house rules...TMI, or should I say TIM!

Lesley said...

PS I will always credit you for the signs in Utah and I've wondered for years, "why doesn't Margie wear anything orange?" Just kiddin'.

Lesley said...

Me again...Terri has Graves Disease.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Margie ---these are such interesting things I found out about you! I'm so glad you did this tag. From now on everytime we drive to Utah and we see a Utah sign I will always think of you, and I'm going to proudly say "My sister in law is an activist!" I've alwyas liked your yard, and that explains why. I wish I have your talent. Plants and me just don't get along. I'm not surprised at all about the diversity of your friends. I've always known you to be the kind of person who shows interest in others and always tries to get to know them in-depth not just as a polite social gesture. So you pal around with druggies, ha? You're such a rebel :-) I didn't know about your thyroid problem. I know from my Mom's thyroid issues that it can't be that simple to live with. Orange is my least favorite color on clothes, too. It reminds me of contruction crew, but I bought me a few orange outfits whenever it's the fashiobale color of the moment. I'm easily influenced that way :-) I'll have to rememeber not to get you anything orange though :-)

The Thornley's said...

I was visiting Meghan's page and went blog traveling!! What a wonderful place to visit!!! A family that's been such an uplifting part of our life!!! And yes, your listening ear got me through one of our families tuff times. It's uplifting to see the light that shines from your beautiful family... Much Love, Shari Allen