June 1, 2008

Find joy in the journey...

I woke up early this morning (5:00 a.m.), unable to fall back to sleep. I have this problem that sometimes my brain wakes up before my body wants to, and when that happens there is no falling back to sleep. I lay there trying to fall back to sleep and turn off my brain, because it is Sunday, and we don't have early church!! Finally at 6:00 a.m. I knew it was useless to try to get back to sleep so I decided to get out of bed. I went downstairs and figured I better make the cake I was needed to make for our neighborhood
party tonight before I was too hungry (fast Sunday today). I started to make the cake and I had remembered that on Sunday mornings channel 11 was rebroadcasting Women's Conference. I was excited to see it was President Monson's address that he had given at the Conference. He talked about finding joy in the journey of life and enjoying each and everyday. He told a story of a man who after the passing of his wife, opened her dresser drawer and found there an item of clothing she has purchased when they had been on a trip nine years earlier, but she had not worn it because she was saving it for an occasion that would never come. After sharing this experience to a friend, the husband of the deceased wife said, "Don't save something only for a special occasion. Make every day in your life a special occasion." There is so much to enjoy each day in our journey. It may be a piece of Symphony Bar (or two), it may be a smile or beautiful flowers, sun or rain. It doesn't matter what it is, just look for it and you can find it in almost anything if you are looking. I decided to go out to my backyard and enjoy my flowers this morning. It felt good to be still, and contemplate upon all the beauty the surrounds each one of us. I feel so full of gratitude for all of the wonderful people in my life!! Thanks for all you do for me!!!!


Lesley said...

Margie, what a nice post. I also like the new look of your blog and to see that you are giving Betty her due credit :-)!!

Lilian said...

This is a very nice blog entry Margie! I like the flowers too!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Wow, Marge! I just changed my layout background to black, too. Great minds think alike :-) I love your entry, and the photos were beautiful.